
Accidents Happen: A Guide to Children's Emergencies

2 Things You Can Do To Manage Your Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Seasonal allergies can be very uncomfortable for many people. Even if you haven't experienced seasonal allergies before you can have flare ups later in life as you develop allergies to different pathogens. Here are some of the common allergic reactions people have and what you can do to relieve some of the discomfort.

1. Itchy Eyes

Many people experience itchy eyes as part of their allergic reactions. The eyes can become so itchy that you can give yourself an infection. If you continually are touching your eyes to itch them you transfer bacteria to the eyes, which could result in an infection. This is why you should be avoiding touching your eyes as much as possible and doing what you can to manage the itching.

One of the best things you can do is take an over the counter eye drop with antihistamine in it. This can be taken independently or in conjunction with an oral allergy medication. The antihistamine in the eye drop will help to control the itching and should be taken regularly, even after the itching stops, since it works to prevent the problem.

In addition, you can apply a cold compress to the eyes, and avoid wearing eye makeup and contacts. This will help the eyes to flush out the allergens so that they are not as itchy.

2. Sore or Itchy Throat

A very common symptom of allergies is to have a sore or itchy throat. Usually the throat will be itchier in the morning, since throughout the night you are breathing in the allergens without taking regular drinks. The best way to combat this is to have a glass of water next to your bed. If you wake in the night, drink water so as to rinse the throat from the allergens. In addition, you should shower before you go to bed at night. You probably have allergens and pollen stuck to your clothes and your hair, so showering and washing your body before you go to bed will help you to avoid breathing in all of the outdoor pathogens.

Lastly, put a humidifier in your room with clean water. This will help to clean the air of the house so that you are not breathing in dangerous air throughout the night.

By identifying the symptoms that come from your seasonal allergies you can manage the discomfort and avoid any extra problems by knowing what to do. If you still are struggling to manage the symptoms, you should talk to an immunology physician.

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Accidents Happen: A Guide to Children's Emergencies

One of the things I learned when I had children was that accidents can happen at any time. Unfortunately, my children's pediatrician was not always available when those accidents did happen. I had to learn what was considered an emergency and what could wait until the doctor's office was open. Knowing the difference and what to do in non-emergency situations can be confusing. That is why I created this blog. I wanted to provide other parents with a guide that helps them to understand when it is time to head for urgent care or the hospital and when injuries could be treated at home.