
Accidents Happen: A Guide to Children's Emergencies

The Endosteal Implant Process

Dental implants are commonly utilized procedures designed to replace damaged or missing teeth. There are several different types of dental implant, but the one most often used in modern dentistry is the endosteal implant. This implant is fashioned to look like a natural tooth and has a high rate of success. Read on to learn more about the endosteal implant and how it is performed.

What is the Endosteal Implant?

The endosteal implant is a three stage procedure. Three components known as the base, abutment, and crown will be fused to your jawbone over the course of a few months. The implant looks like a tooth and has a 95% success rate after five years. It can last for decades, even an entire lifetime. The average cost for this procedure ranges from $1,500 to $10,000, but the most common price point is around $4,250.

How is the Endosteal Implant Performed?

The process of implanting the endosteal dental implant takes place over the course of three stages. These stages are each used to implant a single component most of the time. However, some dentists like to combine the placement of the base and abutment in one session. The typical implant stages take place in the following manner:

  1.  In the first stage, the dentist will inject a local anesthetic.Then the gums will be cut and the base will be installed. The base is a cylindrical or screw-shaped object that will fuse with the jawbone over a period of the next few months. Healing times vary between patients.
  2. Once the base has fused to the jawbone, the second stage will begin. The dentist will cut the gums once more, and then install a rod or cone-shaped object into the base. This object is the abutment. It will connect the base to the crown do that the crown can be removed without the need to remove the entire implant.
  3. A few weeks later, the final stage will occur. Once the gums have healed, the dentist will attach and set the crown. The crown is the part of the implant that is visible to casual observers. It has the appearance of a natural tooth. Casual observers will have difficulty with differentiating between the implant and a natural tooth if the procedure is performed properly. After the crown is set, there may be a period of adjustments until it is fully-set. The implant process will then be complete and the implant should be permanent.

Is The Endosteal Implant The Best Choice?

The endosteal implant is usually a good choice for anyone who only has a few teeth missing, or who needs an anchor for dentures. If you have a jawbone that is not strong enough to support an implant you may need to undergo a procedure known as jawbone augmentation to reinforce the bone structure. This can increase the healing time and cost to a variable degree. The cost will depend on the amount of augmentation necessary and how the operation is performed. However, if you want a permanent tooth loss solution that will possibly last the remainder of your life, the endosteal implant through a professional like Denise McGrade DDS is a good choice.

About Me

Accidents Happen: A Guide to Children's Emergencies

One of the things I learned when I had children was that accidents can happen at any time. Unfortunately, my children's pediatrician was not always available when those accidents did happen. I had to learn what was considered an emergency and what could wait until the doctor's office was open. Knowing the difference and what to do in non-emergency situations can be confusing. That is why I created this blog. I wanted to provide other parents with a guide that helps them to understand when it is time to head for urgent care or the hospital and when injuries could be treated at home.