
Accidents Happen: A Guide to Children's Emergencies

Treatments Your Physician May Prescribe For Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition that causes cysts to form on the ovaries. Instead of an egg being released at the proper time, a cyst may develop. Not only are the cysts from the condition likely to cause discomfort, but the lack of ovulation is associated with a lack of menstruation. As a result, many women with polycystic ovary syndrome find it difficult to become pregnant. Additionally, they may suffer from facial hair growth, acne, and significant weight gain.

If you have recently been diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, you may not know what types of treatments your physician is likely to prescribe. Here are a few of them:


Metformin is commonly used to treat diabetes. However, it is also known to help restore ovulation and menstruation in women who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome. The condition is linked to insulin resistance, which is a precursor of diabetes. 

Due to the body's resistant response to insulin, women with polycystic ovary syndrome often have unusually high insulin levels. These high levels negatively impact the reproductive hormones. Additionally, they make it easy for women with the syndrome to gain weight and difficult for them to lose it. 

Metformin helps the body become more responsive to insulin and consequently helps lessen the body's overproduction of the hormone. Over time, women who take the medication may notice that symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome, such as hirsutism and amenorrhoea, start to subside.


Since polycystic ovary syndrome is also associated with insulin resistance and weight gain, your physician may prescribe regular exercise. An increase in activity levels and muscle growth can help make you body less resistant to insulin. In addition, as you lose excess weight, your hormones can begin to stabilize normally.

In addition to aerobic activities, you physician may encourage you to participate in weight-bearing exercises that build muscle. An increase in muscle mass can increase your metabolism and make it easier for you to lose weight. It also improves your body's responsiveness to insulin.

Low-carb Diet

Your doctor is also likely to prescribe a diet that restricts starchy carbohydrates. Carbohydrates have the greatest impact on blood sugar and can incite a large release of insulin. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome are often able to lose weight more easily on a low-carb diet. 

For information about polycystic ovary syndrome and its treatment options, schedule an appointment with a clinic such as Bee Ridge Obstetrics Gynecology.

About Me

Accidents Happen: A Guide to Children's Emergencies

One of the things I learned when I had children was that accidents can happen at any time. Unfortunately, my children's pediatrician was not always available when those accidents did happen. I had to learn what was considered an emergency and what could wait until the doctor's office was open. Knowing the difference and what to do in non-emergency situations can be confusing. That is why I created this blog. I wanted to provide other parents with a guide that helps them to understand when it is time to head for urgent care or the hospital and when injuries could be treated at home.