
Accidents Happen: A Guide to Children's Emergencies

Tips To Help You Determine What You Are Allergic To

If you have been randomly breaking out with hives a couple times each week and do not suffer from any pre-existing medical conditions, you may be allergic to something in your home or a type of food that you have been consuming. The following tips will help you determine what you are allergic to so that you can eliminate it from your lifestyle or take an allergy medication to reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction. 

Consider Any Changes That Have Recently Been Made

If you are a bargain hunter and often purchase products or food items of different brands that are on sale, there is a chance that one of the unfamiliar items contains ingredients that you are allergic to. Eliminate the new product from your daily routine and replace it with an item that you have commonly used in the past. If the breakouts seem to stop altogether, you have likely pinpointed the culprit that has been causing you distress. If you are unable to determine the item that you are allergic to, continue to make subtle changes to assist with identifying the allergen. 

Wear Hypoallergenic Clothing, Makeup, And Jewelry

Hypoallergenic items are designed to minimize allergic reactions since they are constructed or formulated with materials that do not typically cause skin irritations. If you have been wearing starchy shirts and pants that are uncomfortable, switch to breathable cotton or silk fabrics instead.

If wearing makeup is part of your daily repertoire, switch brands and purchase products that are designed for sensitive skin. Minimize the amount of clunky jewelry that you wear and toss out jewelry items that are made with faux metal. Instead, wear hypoallergenic pieces that are lightweight and simply constructed. 

Seek Guidance From An Allergist

If your investigative work does not provide you with favorable results, make an appointment with an allergist. An allergist will discuss your history with you and will ask you a series of questions about your daily routine that may help them determine what you are allergic to. You may be offered an allergy test, which consists of injecting your skin with a series of items to determine which one/ones you are allergic to.

During a test, you should try to remain composed as the injections are made. Afterward, you will be closely monitored to determine if you are allergic to any of the substances. If so, an allergist will be able to advise you concerning ways to reduce allergic reactions or eliminate the allergen from your lifestyle. For more information, check out sites like

About Me

Accidents Happen: A Guide to Children's Emergencies

One of the things I learned when I had children was that accidents can happen at any time. Unfortunately, my children's pediatrician was not always available when those accidents did happen. I had to learn what was considered an emergency and what could wait until the doctor's office was open. Knowing the difference and what to do in non-emergency situations can be confusing. That is why I created this blog. I wanted to provide other parents with a guide that helps them to understand when it is time to head for urgent care or the hospital and when injuries could be treated at home.